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CDAO Chicago
Request to Speak

We are on the lookout for speakers!

Now in its ninth year, CDAO Chicago is one of the largest annual gatherings of senior data decision-makers across industries.

We are seeking senior data and analytics executives from leading organizations in the U.S. to share their expertise at the event.

Key topics include:

  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Leveraging AI to Drive Business Outcomes
  • Data Governance and Compliance
  • Personalization Through Analytics
  • The Ethics and Future of AI

4 benefits of being a speaker at CDAO Chicago:

  • RAISE your professional profile by showcasing your achievements.
  • INTERACT with high-profile speakers in panels and discussions to benchmark your current practices.
  • SHARE your insights and help peers navigate shared challenges.
  • BUILD your knowledge and expand your network with other leaders.

If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please complete the form, and a member of our team will reach out to you shortly.

Alternatively, if you are a vendor or solution provider interested in speaker opportunities, please contact inquiries@coriniumintel.com.